Saturday, February 25, 2012

Awesome list of free kindle books for today

I check this top 100 free kindle books like daily and today I wanted to post a blog because there are literally a ton of great book available right now for free for Kindle . this list has everything from mystery, children s books , christian fiction, history, self help and paranormal. I just went through them and recommended some of them on facebook and twitter but thought I would just go ahead and post the link because you may find something here you like.

Since I mostly read Christian fiction and study I usually facebook those or cleaner regency romances . But I know others have different likes so I'm posting the whole link that will take you to the top 100 free for kindle . These change a lot so whats free today may not be free tomorrow so get them while you can.

This was the cace for me a few days ago I got a Christian study book and found out it was free for only a few days so Im really glad I took the time to download it or I would have missed out on a fantastic read. Anyway here is the link , you should bookmark it so you can check , I really mean it when I say these change up daily. Some ar on the list perminatly or for a very long time , some not so much. Anyway thanks for looking. Amazon top 100 free books for kindle


  1. Lori, I have a Nook and I love it. I have found that if you go to and click on ebooks then click on free ebooks. They have a list of current free ebooks. Then I just do a search on my nook for those books and they are always free on my nook as well. The free books change often so I check them at least twice a week.

  2. Wonderful blog! I saw it at Google and I must say that entries are well thought of. I will be coming back to see more posts soon.
