I have been using The Fysiko Lash growth serum since May 7th and thought I would give you all an update. I really see improvement in my lashes and they are longer and fuller as you can see from the photo. This is my before and after photos.
The photos of my eyes have no makeup on them. Its really hard to get a really great picture of my eyelashes but I did the best I could.
The after photo shows this off better if you look at the lashes on the eye not in full screen. In other words you can see my lashes and how long they are better by looking at the left side, as you can see they are very visible and extend out past my nose.
I think Fysiko did a wonderful job of making my flashes longer and fuller.
First here is the before use photo
NOW here is the photo I took this morning
Here is another one because I hear the angel was not good on the first attempt :)
So since may 7th or so I have applied Fysiko on my lashes once in the morning and once at night before bed. I also did a video review for this product that was at about the 1/2 way mark in my usage. You can see that video on YouTube or in the blog post. I really like this product its a more natural way to grow lashes even at my age of 53.
You can find out more about Fysiko at this link and I am very happy I was selected to try it through Influenster. Thanks for looking and my before and after Fysiko lash growth serum review:)
You can find more info about Fysiko here at their web site.
The Fysiko web site
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Here is the Facebook page for Fysiko
#LongerLashes @InfluensterVox @FysikoLashes #gotitfree
Lora, on the picture after it is hard to see if there are any changes.are there? Try to take same angle and quality, maybe there would be a difference
ReplyDeleteI can see some growth now!